10th November 2022 – Official Pre-Launch of the Kickstarter for Fjord Serpents
This was accompanied by the launch of our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Pages.
KICKSTARTER – FJORD SERPENTS – Vikings at War by Hammer of the North — Kickstarter
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/groups/402595935002850
INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/fjordserpents/
TWITTER – https://twitter.com/LuciousPain
Heroes of Fjord Serpents
With pre-production rounding out I wanted to give you guys a glimpse of the Heroes that are available from the Heroes & Kings booster pack. The rules of which will be in the main rulebook.
Creating FJORD SERPENTS terrain is fun and easy
Creating FJORD SERPENTS terrain is fun and easy. 10mm wargaming is a great scale to bring your creativity out and bring it to life upon the game board.
The Journey to Creating Fjord Serpents – Vikings at War
Fjord Serpents – Vikings at War was not a project that sprung up out of the blue, it was the culmination of decades of dedication and absorption into Dark Age history. For over 20 years, Luke Payne has devoted much of his time and effort into re-learning the lost arts, fighting styles, craft and knowledge…
FJORD SERPENTS – ‘How to Play’ Videos Live (Part 2)
Parts 3 & 4 of our ‘How to Play’ series of videos is live and updated on the Kickstarter page. Alternatively, you can watch them here
FJORD SERPENTS – ‘How to Play’ Videos Live
Parts 1 & 2 of our ‘How to Play’ videos are live and updated to the Kickstarter page. Alternatively, you can view them through these links